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Sunday Worship
We meet every Sunday at the Church which is located behind Three Ways Garage on Main Street, Blidworth, Mansfield NG21 0PX.
There is free parking in our car park and you will be greeted as you enter the building. There are baby changing facilities if required and disabled access too.
You are welcome to join us; the doors open at 9.15am for 10.00am start. We may have a time of praise and worship followed by an encouraging message from the Bible. After our meeting please stay and chat over a tea or coffee and a biscuit.
Explorers Toddler Group
Every Wednesdays for Toddlers (under 3 years old)
9:30am - 11am

Exercise and Lunch
Every Thursday (11am onwards)
Led by Lily Angelis.

Food Bank
Our opening times:
Monday: 9am- 4pm
Tuesday: 9am- 4pm
Thursday: 2pm- 4pm
Friday: 9am- 11:30am
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